With a hot summer ahead for Australia, chances are your household electricity usage will skyrocket. If you’ll be kicking back around the house this summer, your household will be using more electricity to power air conditioning, pool pumps and home electronics. To help stay on top of your usage, here are some simple tips to reduce the amount of power your household uses this summer.

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The Australian solar industry is starting to hit its stride as the uptake of renewable energy continues to increase both nationally and internationally. Multiple projects go into development all the time throughout Australia, helping to make our future look a whole lot brighter.

There’s still plenty that people don’t know about solar energy, so here are 6 facts about solar energy in Australia.

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The Australian solar industry has grown significantly over the past decade and is expected to continue expanding with new solar farms and residential solar projects going into development all the time. The growth has been largely driven by new large-scale solar farms which have increased industry electricity generation from less than 50 Megawatts in 2014 to over 2,400 Megawatts in 2018. There are plenty of new solar farms planned over the next few years meaning the industry is well positioned to continue growing throughout Australia.

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The solar industry has seen rapid technological advancement over the past 30 years. Solar battery options are improving all the time and the growing manufacturing industry has reduced the prices of solar batteries considerably than what they were 5-10 years ago. As the prices of solar batteries drop, it’s becoming an increasingly smart decision to add a solar battery to your solar system to make the most out of your solar.

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Throughout winter, many parts of Australia have been battered by heavy rains, strong winds and freezing temperatures. Wild weather across the country during the winter months can cause damage to solar PV systems that can often be hard to notice. With summer around the corner, you’ll want to have your solar PV system ready to take advantage of all the sunshine available. By having your solar serviced with Solar Service Group, you can make sure your solar system is ready to go for the long summer ahead.

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