Proof That Solar Battery Storage Saves On Your Energy Bills

As most solar homeowners have seen respective feed-in tariffs decrease in value and energy rates continually increase in recent years, it’s no wonder that many have explored the idea of installing solar battery storage to existing solar systems, to capture and store excess solar energy.

Our valued customer Craig* from Mosman, NSW has received astonishing results on his energy bills, saving over 70 per cent on energy charges in less than one year! All thanks to participating in our subsidised solar battery program. 

Craig* contacted Solar Service Group in September 2017, intending on installing solar battery storage to store the excess energy generated by his current solar PV system array. Skyrocketing power bills well over $2500 dollars** meant that not only was Craig’s* household needing expert assistance to take back control of his energy bills but also maintain bills to an attainable charge.

Receiving less than $50 for over 400kWh of energy on his Autumn feed-in tariff meant that sending excess energy to the grid was not of value to his energy bill for much longer. His quarterly energy bill indicated that his household would use power all times of the day. 

Installing his solar battery with Solar Service Group was an easy transition as Craig* was given all the tools he needed to take back control of his energy bills. Craig* installed an Enphase solar battery for his home in October 2017. A key feature of his Enphase solar battery installation was the Energy Management Software, which makes managing your household’s energy usage easy and understandable.


From bills over $2500** prior to installing his solar battery system,  in less than one-year Craig’s* bills had dramatically decreased, and he had finally taken back control of his energy bills. Craig’s bills had decreased by more than 70 per cent and is now paying only a third of his previous energy charges.

Energy management systems are a key resource for reducing your energy bills because you are given accurate and real-time information on your home’s energy usage, accessible through an app on your smartphone or desktop computer. While on the go, you can manage your household’s energy with ease.

Saving almost $2000 in less than a year on energy charges means that Craig’s* return on investment will be much sooner than he had expected. Much like his initial solar system investment, he is expected to see an astonishing return on investment for his solar battery storage installation.

We look forward to improving Craig’s* solar journey to $0 power bills and seeing greater savings on his energy. Solar Service Group have committed themselves to helping more Australians just like Craig* through a Solar Energy Independence Initiative, helping more Australian households rid themselves of energy bill shock with solar power.

Making the journey to solar and transition to storage is easy, Solar Service Group pride themselves on the amazing results we can help our valued customers receive on energy bills.

Contact Solar Service Group on 1300 40 41 42 for more information and to take part in our Solar Energy Initiative Program.


*For privacy, the customers’ real name has been omitted. 

**Amount listed is before pay on time discounts to customer’s energy charges