Initial Findings From our Testing Phase Program
We are approaching the third month mark of our very first Goanna solar battery installation under the ‘Initial Testing Phase Program’. During this time we have received a great deal of feedback from our installers and participants which is helping us continually improve this groundbreaking product.
We are seeing participants reduce their reliance on the grid dramatically as well as saving money on their bills.
We randomly selected three ITP participants and compared their average consumption from the grid before their battery was installed with Tuesday 7th May.
Initial Findings
John from NSW was paying $5.10 a day for energy before he installed his Goanna 2.9kWh battery. On Tuesday 7th May he only imported 3.05kWh from the grid costing him just $0.88 for the day for energy usage!
Mervat from Victoria was paying $2.81 a day for energy before her Goanna battery installation. On Tuesday 7th May she only needed to import 5.77kWh of energy from the grid, costing her just $1.70 for energy usage!
Duane from Queensland paid an average of $2.78 a day on his last energy bill before his battery installation. On Tuesday 7th May he only imported 3.64kWh from the grid costing him just $0.88 for energy usage.
Places still available
There are still a limited number of places available in the Initial Testing Phase Program. Secure your spot and start seeing real-time savings like John, Mervat and Duane.
*Data is based on participants energy bill prior to battery installation compared with live data from Alpha Monitoring on Tuesday 7th May 2019.
GST, retailer discounts and supply charges are not included in the data. Comparison is not for the same time of year which could vary PV generation. Participants usage patterns may differ at the time of comparison.