Case Study: Robert’s Solar Battery and Energy Management Experience
As the solar industry and specifically Solar Battery Storage increases in popularity, consumers are still looking for answers to feel comfortable making the large financial investment. As an independent service provider, Solar Service Group have been conducting a solar battery field trial. With the aim to deliver the answers these consumers have been looking for, the results are starting to come in, our first from Robert.
In September 2016 Robert of Bolton Point, NSW installed a solar panel system and had been considering a solar battery ever since.
With much online research under his belt, tracking of battery prices and no advantage seen by sending power back to the grid, Robert was confident it was time to take the next step in his solar journey. Partnering with Solar Service Group, Robert invested in an Enphase 1.2 kWh solar battery for his home in August 2017.
A straight forward process, adding a solar battery to an existing solar system is easy to understand and handled by the sales staff with little effort required from the customer. “All enquiries dealt with expeditiously and courteously by Solar Service staff” explained Robert.
Happy with the installation and service, Robert was even more pleased when his first electricity bill was received. After his first full quarterly billing cycle, Robert has seen a massive return on his investment with a reduction of $246.43 in his electricity bill from the same time last year. Down to a low $134.62 from $381.05, quickly becoming a clear example of the advantages of solar battery storage.
The additional resource of the Energy Management System (EMS) has made energy usage and savings visible. “It helped monitor all aspects of energy production” explained Robert. Letting him know the most economical times to use appliances and avoid excess usage from the grid. Really making the most of his solar.
With long term advantages, he believes a solar battery has already been worth the financial investment. Ready to do even more with his solar, Robert is installing a second battery.
Solar Service Group, for all your installation, maintenance and solar investment needs.