How does solar improve sustainability?

People are constantly in search of new ways to improve their overall level of sustainability, and solar can contribute quite significantly to this goal. Solar energy is sourced well from its name, the sun, meaning we aren’t using finite resources in the creation or consumption of energy.

Enhancing one’s ability to capture energy from the sun and to be able to store said energy not only reduces financial costs but those costs associated with the environment. Here’s how solar improves sustainability. 

Finite Resources 

The process of solar requires little to no finite resources, the sun is going to be there for a long time to come, so no need to worry. Traditional forms of energy creation such as fossil fuels, require a great level of precious materials found in the Earth. For years, mining these materials has been our only way to create electricity, but with the harnessing of solar power, it allows the potential to be on a level of sustainability never seen before.

These side-effects can all but be mitigated and significantly reduced through solar power.

It has become clear that giant mining organisations have little to no regard for the overall longevity and sustainability of our planet, and some of the worst examples of this are:

  • Water contamination
  • Extreme chemical pollution
  • Loss of biodiversity

These side-effects can all but be mitigated and significantly reduced through solar power. Together as a society, pursuing more renewable forms of energy, slowly but surely reduces the dependency of finite resources for energy.

contributed to a reduction of 7.4 million tonnes of carbon dioxide

Carbon Emissions 

Within Australia, homes with a solar PV system in place contributed to a reduction of 7.4 million tonnes of carbon dioxide being potentially pushed out into the environment. Over 2 million homes in Australia now have solar PV systems atop of their roofs, and that number is expected to grow rapidly. It’s an exciting proposition to think about, just how much we are saving in terms of pollution when making the switch to solar.

Carbon dioxide is the single greatest contributor to climate change. The carbon emissions created through fossil fuel use, is leading to detrimental effects on the environment such as:

  • Rising temperatures across the globe
  • More extreme weather patterns
  • Rising sea levels

Going solar not only benefits the consumer but the overall environment at large.

Financial Sustainability 

The financial sustainability solar provides is immense, you begin to start saving immediately. The primary source of energy you will be using will be generated from your own PV system. You won’t be placing as big of emphasis on the grid system, which can be very expensive over the long-run.

As you become more and more solar dependent, you will see a direct correlation with your energy bills, one rises whilst the other falls. Assisted by government rebates or subsidies, the upfront costs of installing a solar PV system and even a battery are lowering historically, and allow for even faster return on investment.

To ensure prolonged sustainability, maintaining your solar PV system is critical. Ensuring it is working as efficiently and as trouble free as possible.

Solar power is a great tool that can be used in the pursuit of greater levels of sustainability. It not only benefits the consumer and their own personal levels of environmental and financial sustainability, but the planet at large.

Start your solar journey, contact Solar Service Group today.